

The interest about my modest hobby -blog has been truly overwhelming. Thank you so much!

I truly appreciate all of your comments and read them all, but as you can guess, as a mother and housewife my time is limited, and I can't answer to everyone, even if I'd love to.

There are a lot of questions in your comments, and I have also found some funny questions or misunderstandings from the Internet, so I try to answer to them here. You can also leave your question here as a comment if you like to ask me something. :)

Mila's clothes

- In Finland mother's are truly blessed, we all get a big "maternity package" from government. There's lot of clothes and all the crucial baby stuff you need you have with your newborn. So I've bought so far maybe 3 outfit for her, others are from that package and from loving grandmothers and aunts.

Alicia said...
Just saw you on! Where did you get these amazing pants?! They look like they are made to fit for quite awhile and would accommodate a squishy diaper bum quite nicely. From Little Ray Of Sunshine

- Those pants/Leggins are comfy and good quality, I get those from that maternity package. The Brand is finnish Tutta.

- Barbababa- and AC/DC babygros are from Hennes&Mauritz Kids.

The Book

Is there coming a book or calendar?
- That was not my intention when I started this blog. I was just amusing my friends and family with my crazy baby pics. Well, never say never, but I consider myself more as a storyteller and a writer, than a photographer. When I was a little girl, I used to draw pictures and tell a little fairytale stories to myself at the same time. So maybe some day I could publish a children's storybook about daydreams. I know that I'm going to write those to my little girl anyway. There is always a story behind these pictures. I would be so happy if people would read them to their kids as a bedtime stories and kids could see nice dreams when they sleep.

UPDATE: 21.10.2010
Yes. I have a book deal! The first daydream-book is going to be published 2012 by Balzer + Bray.


"The Bored Photographer"
Adele Enersen, a mother and bored photographer on maternity leave, creates dream worlds around her sleeping baby and then captures them on film. via Trendhunter
- First of all, I'm not a professional photographer. I'm a copywriter on a maternity leave, and I'm not bored at all ;). Hey, you get to spend your all day with your family, I call that luxury, not boredom.

"Does she sleep at the floor all the time?"

- Haha, NO. That would be silly. The set up is built at the living room carpet and I just carry her during her sleep there and back to her crib, baby hammock or our bed continue her naps. Most of time she sleeps next to me in our bed.

NBegovich: It takes a sick, sick person to steal a dead baby and pose her for photographs.
"Oh, Adele, these pictures are adorable! Say, when will we get to meet Baby Mila?"
"Uh, not-- not today, I'm afraid. Yes, she's-- oh, my-- not feeling very well. Anyway, must run, ta!" via


What would Mila think about this?

These are very lovely pictures, but I have to wonder whether your daughter will be thankful for you putting her on the internet when she's older. Maybe she will. I just wondered whether you gave any thought to that or not? Was it an easy decision, or did you even see it as a decision? I just think it's a very personal thing to want to share with strangers all around the world. Is it the kind of thing people just do automatically these days? Hope you don't mind having one very slightly critical comment, but I think it's okay to have a discussion about this, don't you? Good luck with your family.



So nice that you asked that question nicely here with your name, so I get finally answer to this one. About these days: I consider myself part of internet generation. I've been blogging 8-9 years about different things, I've seen lot of internet phenomena and social medias arise and gone "out of fashion". I use internet almost everyday to keep in touch with my friends and my family. I feel the zeitgeist is nowadays "transparent" and free.

I created this blog for my friends and family, especially for them who live in long distance and other countries. First I uploaded my photos into my facebook gallery, but I didn't want to flood my co-workers and acquaintances newsfeed with my crazy baby pics, so I created this blog. And I have to ask, am I really the first mother who have uploaded her baby pics in to internet, or took photos of a sleeping baby?  So the "problem" is not really that I have done that, it's more the media reaction. Is it right if SO many people can see my baby? Well, is it right to let your kid go out and play, somebody might see him/her? How do you protect your child not to be seen in the world? My point of view is that I would never upload any nude pics in the internet, even when it might be called art. I never humiliate my daughter, and I definitely don't force baby to pose to the cam. I guess it would be much harder to photograph awaken child, if she/he wouldn't like to co-operate.

There's lot of ugly and weird stuff in the Internet and in the news. So, if there's something what makes so many people to smile and be happy, I guess it's not wrong?

This blog "success" has been totally surprising and crazy. I guess if you upload your own baby photo in your personal blog you rarely expect to be in the news. After first shock I have began to realize why that might be.  I'm just an ordinary mother who adores her newborn, maybe a bit crazy way, but I do. I guess there's lot of parents and grandparents who seem to relate in that. I think it's so sweet. 

And I'm pretty sure my daughter will love these pictures and a little stories I'm going to write to her as a bedtime stories. We are her parents and raising her, so I believe she will learn our values and maybe inherit some sense of humor. Yes, as a teenager she will hate me for this, but I guess all the teenager girls hate their mother in some point, so I really can't win this, or can I? Haha. Well, like somebody commented here, after that she will love me again. 

I wish all the best for you and your family!


Music in the Youtube-video

The music in this video is made by Mila's dad. You can hear or upload the mp.3 from this link if you like. The song is called "Mau" which is also Mila's second name. Song has been made before she was born, and that name has a very special personal meaning for our family. It's not a common name in Finland. 

Where did you get the idea?

 More than a thousand words...

what you can do with your constantly sleeping 
2 week old baby and a conductors baton?
En Garde!


  1. i have a facebook page for my library. i just love the latest picture of the baby with the books. would it be possible for me to copy the picture and then put a link to your page?

    thank you

  2. I love this blog and your whimsical creativity. When we had our first child, my wife and I were exhausted all the time and looked forward to our son's naps so we could pass out on the couch! How wonderful that you instead took those periods of quiet to create these sweet dreamscapes. I can tell your daughter will grow up well-nourished by your creativity. All the best to you and your family from us in the U.S.!

  3. What a fabulous idea! I love what you've done here! I love how you're using items from around your house to create the "dreamscapes." Keep photographing that beautiful baby! What a wonderful way to capture memories! :)

  4. I'm blown away by your creativity, and love that you're giving your daughter such a magical gift. Lucky us -- thanks for sharing.

  5. Facebook page for library: Yes. You may use our bookworm picture in your library page, and if you could send me or here the pages url, I would be happy.

    PS We love reading and library was my favourite place as a kid. :)

  6. And you guys, thank you so much for your compliments. You truly make my day with your nice words. :)

  7. Our beloved granddaughter also has the given name, Mila. She is now three years old, and just as adorable as ever. Our son does a daddy blog for Mila and her one-year-old brother., called DJ Daddy.

    Thanks for sharing the cute pictures of your Mila!

  8. Hi Adele,

    I would like to place you on my blogroll on my graphic design website as it sparks my creativity and imagination. And your blog is such a precious one I just love to come back!

  9. The idea...from concept to execution is absolutely wonderful!

    What great memories to give to Mila one day!

  10. These photographs are fantastic! What a beautiful baby. Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby girl with us!

  11. Just stumble upon your FABULOUS blog! Love your creativity! And your daughter is beautiful!
    --Alison (California USA)

  12. thank you so very much! i posted the picture and your link. i think you are amazingly creative and the pictures are delightful to look at. if you go on facebook look for the benjamin children's library and you will see us and your link.
    im glad the library is your favorite place, its mine too, and im sure it will be milas also.
    thank you for sharing her with us!!

  13. Wow! You are so creative! I am totally shocked about that last comment under the "misunderstandings" section. Why would anyone assume something so bad?! Some people will do anything to discredit others' success.



  14. I love your baby art! What a fun way to pass nap time and keep yourself stimulated.

  15. So beautiful, and creative!

  16. I can't believe someone actually said dead. It's so annoying when people post things without really looking into it. I think she is beautiful and I love your posts. I first heard of your blog from The Pigbear's blog. I love Mila's dreams.

  17. You are so inspired -- and inspiring! Thank you!

  18. I was once also a new mommy and I know how hard it is, feeling so tired and trying to figure it all out. I cannot believe that you have the energy and creative spirit to capture such wonderful photographs!

  19. Gorgeous! I had a real giggle at your photographs. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  20. Your baby, and your blog, are beautiful :)

  21. Love what you are doing. So creative and special. It will be wonderful to look back on these when Mila is older.... I wonder what other ideas you will come up with as she grows?
    I look forward to following your blog!

  22. Adele you and little Mila are amazing! I bet she is going to grow up and be just as creative as her lovely mama :) By the way when I had my little one I was lucky if I snuck a shower in ;)

    I've blogged about Mila's Daydreams here:

    I've credited you and linked up your blog, please feel free to contact me if you would like me to take this post down.

    ♥ Crystal

  23. These are brilliant. I posted two photos and a link back here at Not Like Normal People. ( Thanks for sharing the delight with us.

  24. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what u are doing!!!! she has such a peaceful sleep - so different from my high need baby Mia :o))) (22Mo) now. In recognition for your creativity and for all the SAHM that are proud of the time they spend with their family I'd love to send you a small gift from my shop - Let me know if you'd be okay with it :o)))) Super hugs! Vicky

  25. This actually made me cry it was so sweet. My husband always says to me about our little one, "I wonder what she dreams of?" Now I know! Thank you, looking forward to more!!

  26. Ahhhmazing....made my morning. I have young children so this this touches me. Your thoughtfulness, creativity and attention to detail are awesome. Great job!! Mila will LOVE this when she is older.
    San Diego, CA USA

  27. Fabulous and creative does not begin to describe. Smiles abound. Thank you so much. I will be giving a shout out on my blog in the next couple of weeks, and have joined as a follower and have listed you as a great blog to read on my blog. As I said to someone else when I first saw your blog


  28. ZOMGoodness! She is just as adorable awake as she is asleep! Thanks for sharing her with us!

  29. You are providing a lot of joy to a lot of people. Enjoy your time with Mila - she is very lucky to have a mother like you.

    And I'd buy the book if you ever went ahead with it. Coffee tables around the world would be better places with it!

  30. Beautiful pictures. That looks like SO MUCH FUN! What a fun activity to do with your newborn.

    Thanks for sharing,
    -fellow blogger and story tale lover ;)

  31. Your photos and little Mila are so amazing and beautiful and wonderful and awe-inspiring ... I can't think of enough words to describe them! If you do a book, I will buy copies for each of my sons who are fathers (3 sons = 6 grandchildren - so far), for my two sisters who are grandmothers, and for several friends who have babies and/or grandbabies. I would also buy a few copies for donating to local libraries & women's shelters, a copy for my favorite midwife, and of course a copy (or two) just for me! :) ... Thank you, Adele, for bringing such joy to so many!

  32. Well, I would definitely read a storybook like that to my kids at bedtime!! You will need to let us all know if you write it!

  33. Hi adele,

    How i wish i thought of that when mine was napping all the time! treasure these moments, ... mine stopped napping at age 2!

    Please tell us what your daughter says when she sees these pics as a big girl...and thank you for making me smile today!

  34. what a great idea, and love the props made from clothes and normal things. My baby pix seem very boring now!

  35. I LOVE these images! I am a photographer from Omaha Nebraska in the United States! Thanks for sharing your darling images! You should for sure make a book! Take care, Karen

  36. All I have to say is MORE MORE MORE! Hahaha I just wanted to let you know that I sent your page to all my friends on stumble so I hope that generates a bit more traffic for you :) And please, keep your pictures coming because everyone loves them!

  37. This is sooo amazing. I would have never thought to have this much fun with my baby. I absolutelly love these pics and will definitelly be following you. You are a great momma!!

  38. I am a professional photographer and actually teach a course on baby photography (let me know if you want to see my course materials). I love your creative ideas!! Thanks for sharing!

  39. Beautiful. A labour of love in so many ways. Mila will always know how special she is to you...

  40. One of the best blogs I've ever seen.
    Babies live in a wonderland and you're making it real for adults too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  41. Were you involved in the new Kindle TV adverts in the US? The ads have a similar look to your concept....

  42. Hi,
    I´m brazilian and i like very much your photos.
    Your baby´s very beaultiful...wonderful.

  43. What you do is amazing!
    I wish I was such a creative person!
    It must be pretty cool growing up and looking at those awesome photos!
    Congratulations, you are very talented and have a beautiful baby!
    Best regards and lots of explamation marks!!!!!!

  44. I love your pictures Adele and I love your answers here. You seem loving and have a great sense of humour. I hope that any fame this little hobby of yours brings never sours the intention behind it all: to create wonderful memories for your daughter.

    The photo of awake Mila is just as cute as sleeping Mila :)

  45. I love your blog, you are very creative and your baby is super adoreable. Thanks so much for sharing these pictures with us! :)

  46. Ihania, onnellisia ja hulvattoman hauskoja päiväunia Milalla! Onnekas pieni sinisilmä kun on syntynyt juuri teidän perheeseenne.

    Mila has adorable, happy and crazy funny daydreams! Lucky little blue-eyed princess to have born in your family!

  47. I don't know whether you had a career before you had your children but if you ever decide to go back in to the business world people will beat your door down. Your creativeness is awesome with your baby as the focal point in your superbly imaginative renderings of anything - imaginable! That elephant, draped and designed with clothing for instance is absolutely astounding. Thanks for allowing us to seethis wonderful display. What a treat and honor to have seen it.

  48. Mila is absolutely beautiful, and your creations are a work of art. More importantly, it is a creative expression of your love for your daughter, and that shines through so radiantly and brings such a big smile on my face. Thank you for bringing two more pieces of sunshine and beauty to this world: your daughter and your photography. :)

  49. wow! just amazing, I love this idea and the fact your setups look like you have used beautiful things from around your house - just goes to show we don't need much to let some creativity and beauty into our lives. If it OK with you I'd love to do a blog post and use some of your pix - hopefully to inspire more lovely baby pix!

  50. My babies are now teenagers. I long to get those innocent times back. Your blog helped me remember how wonderful the baby days were. Beautiful! You are so creative. Mila is a lucky baby.

  51. Adele, maybe one day your Mila can meet my Max. Thank you for the inspiration.

  52. I came across your blog by chance and I just wanted to say that I love your photos and creativity! Your daughter is so beautiful and there is nothing more precious than a sleeping baby! I'm sure that these photos will be something that she will love when she gets older and what a great thing for her to have to show future generations as well! LOVE IT!

  53. Love your creativity! Your sweet girl will treasure these photos.

  54. this is the coolest thing ever!!

  55. Your blog and photos made my day, mama. Your writing is good and Mila is just lovely:) I enjoyed reading your gracious and thoughtful responses in the FAQ section. Bets wishes to you and your sweet little family.


  57. So very cute and creative! I can't believe some of the off the wall comments you have received. I remember when I saw this for the first time, I thought "man, I wish I was creative like that with all my little ones!". You keep up your storytelling, she will be in love with what her mommy did for her, while she slept :)

  58. Even without written stories, a book of pictures would be a treasure to browse again and again.

  59. Aivan ihana idea ja todella hauskoja & suloisia kuvia!

  60. Your daughter is beautiful and your imagination makes me smile. We are fortunate to have family in Finland and they have sent clothing: the leggings are the best and so hard to find where I live (in the U.S.).

    I enjoyed your pictures very much. Kiitos!

  61. Please ignore the critical or negative comments -- your photos and your baby are so whimsical and happy, we wish we had seen this sooner so we could have copied your idea with our baby too! She's 9 months now and doesn't like to sleep so much anymore. Thank you for sharing your cute photos, hope Mila is having sweet dreams.

  62. I love looking at your blog. It is one of the few things I will show my 5 month old, Zora. Your blog is great, thank you for sharing your sweet baby's dreams with us!

  63. Hi Adele!
    I stumbled upon your baby's picture via a friend on facebook, at the time, you barely had a few comments and when I went back to your blog a few days later I noticed you had many more comments, and I wondered if you were surprised by the reacttion. so I'm very glad that you posted this section, and that you copyright the pictures because such beautiful art I could see it being 'borrowed'. I did LOL, but I did link it back to your site. I thnk it was your space baby or the mushroom one. can't remember but I did credit you!

    I did wonder the same thing how you moved Mila when you took the photos. thanks for answering.

    Indeed you are a beautiful and creative Mom.


  64. What a wonderful idea! I'm putting my vote in for a coffee table book. :) Enjoy your maternity leave and hope you're not roasting too much in the Finnish heat.

  65. Such Beautiful and precious photos and how fun to someday look back on these with you little Mila! Such a sweet keepsake you are creating for her. Book or not you should definitely have this created into a blog book for yourself.

  66. Beautiful and SO creative! Another vote for a coffee table book!!

  67. when my friend's daughter was about a year old, we made a story book using photos we took of her in funny costumes and settings. now she's 8, and it is her absolute favorite bedtime book. she loves looking at herself, and knowing that other people took the time to appreciate what a beautiful gift she was and is. i would sincerely doubt that mila will ever hate you for creating this blog - i'll bet you anything she'll feel special and a little 'famous'. :) keep it up - it's a beautiful gift for your lovely daughter.... these digital memories are a blessing for future generations, so don't let people who don't understand the medium make you think that you shouldn't use it!

  68. hi i'm from indonesia, and i love ur baby's photographs. i have a daughter myself, 1 yr old tomorrow. those photographs u've taken surely made me imagining what it was like if my daughter in the pictures... and leaves me giggling thru the day.

    love em ^_^

  69. truly an amazing idea.. i think i may do a few shots of my future baby too! thanks for sharing and i am going to post this on my blog (soon)!! thanks!

  70. This is exactly the same as Jan von Holleben did a couple of years ago. Maybe you have seen it there?

  71. Maarten said...
    This is exactly the same as Jan von Holleben did a couple of years ago. Maybe you have seen it there?

    I just checked Jan's out. Not exactly the same, they look staged. These look real and have a mystery about them, as if you are actually in Mila's dreams.

  72. I would love to find out how you copy wrote all your photos..I don't know where to start and I really need to cause I'm worried if I put them up someone will steal them...I love taking pictures of my baby girl as well but I don't have cool things around the house that look like certain animals or objects.. lol I follow this blog tho, you should check out mine :)

  73. I must repeat so many others and say these are the most beautiful and original photos ever. Thank you for sharing.

  74. Your pictures are incredibly cute! They remind me very much of Anne Geddes' work. I am thankful that I am able to pop in now and then and take a quick peek. I do think that you might want to think about either a book or something as you might be able to make a little money and stay home with your lovely baby longer. Enjoy every moment you have with her as the years pass by to quickly and hopefully I will be able to continue to see your wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing.

  75. I love seeing your new photos and am even more amazed that your little bundle of joy stays asleep!! If you so much as breathe near my daughter she wakens... that being said she's slept through the night since she was 8 weeks so I can't complain!!
    Keep up the beautiful work!!


  76. Adele,

    I felt compelled to write a post about you on my own blog and share with other moms your baby nap creations. I admire you for having the creative spark that I didn't have during the first months of my baby's birth, when I was so sleep deprived. You're an inspiration to all new moms to find their own way to create a special bond with their babies.

  77. Mila is beautiful!! And you are so creative. I remember wanting to sleep everytime my babies slept so seeing you have the energy and creativeness in making these memories make me salute you!! Keep it up.

  78. As a father of 3 daughters (age 5 and two are 1yo) I love the joy you have for your daughter. I love when they do even the smallest things, but you have created extra moments of cuteness for your little girl. Take advantage of every moment, because you will remember them forever!

  79. simply said - you ROCK! keep it up!

  80. I adore your blog and I feel a little sad that I am not so creative as to make something wonderful like this for my daughter!! I am most interested in this: where do you get all these great fabrics? I feel like you must have the most fantastic fabrics just laying around . . .

    The daydreams are lovely and I hope you keep it up!

  81. So glad I found this blog, you photographs are amazing, beautiful and original.

  82. Your photos and creativity are fantastic - what a lucky little baby to have such a wonderfully imaginative Mom!My husband and I have often looked at our baby sleeping, wondering what she dreams is amazing that she stays asleep while you do this, you must be very quiet and quick!

  83. Adele,

    I'm doing something similar to your blog with my son Max. I was wondering if you would be interested in collaborating. Having Max and Mila correspond via scenarios. I think it could be funny :) And the possibilities would be endless. check it out and let me know your thoughts.

  84. Just lovely, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful imagination with us. Mila you are a beautiful lucky little girl.

  85. It's already been said, but I adore your blog, and creative photos with your newborn. We have a 7 month old, and I was happy just to get a non-fuzzy photo every couple of days! I admire your hobby, and hope you keep doing it. I think it would be a lovely keepsake for Mila to have when she's older.

  86. I really love your pictures! You're very creative. I think Mila will smile when she sees the pictures later :)

  87. Beautiful creativity! Mila is a lucky little girl to have such a gifted mummy and I'm sure she will treasure the album of daydreams when she is a big girl. My baby is 7 now. When he was a couple of weeks old I put him in a gift bag with tissue and made a photo. He adores that picture and it always makes him giggle! And me too!
    All the best, and thank you for sharing the photos with us.
    Pascale, a blogger in England (

  88. Your creativity is amazing and the precious pictures will be something for Mila to treasure always! I could look at these for hours. What a terrific and sweet way to share the BOTH of you with all of your friends and family!

  89. from one mother to another, you have shared such a beautiful sense of love, life and creativity with the world and i adore your heartfelt photographs each time i visit your site. my sweet little ones are the apple of my eye and the stars of over 10,000 photos uploaded in their lifetime of just 3 years.

  90. Way better than Anne Geddes! :)

  91. We (me and my wife) love the photos and your creativity Adele. And, it's much more adorable to feel the love you have for your little baby, spending your time with her even while she sleeps, rather than evaluating those as "free times" as some might do.

    So, just keep doing what you are already doing great.

    (And, Mila is so cute! :))

  92. I am also at home on maternity leave and absolutely love looking at your blog. I was reading your FAQ page today and find it funny that "Paul" would think Mila would be upset about these photos and this blog later in life. I am sure she will love them and it is a true tribute to how much love you have for your little one. Even while she is sleeping, all of your attention is focused on her, imagining her dreams. Instead of being upset, I think Mila would be fascinated to know how many fans she has and that people like me look forward to seeing what she has been dreaming about, even though we have never met. I love it!

  93. Every time I visit your blog to see the magical Mila I am delighted by your creativity and her sweet sleeping face. May her adventures in life be every bit as wonderful as her dreams...

  94. I really enjoy visiting your blog and find your work very inspiring, as a matter of fact it inspired me to do this little video with my own 3 months old son:
    Not the same concept at all, but I did developed the idea after having seen your photos. (I started out trying to take the photos while he was sleeping, but my son is not as good a sleeper as Mila, apparently!) :)

  95. I hate cutesy baby things, and Anne Geddes makes me want to puke (sorry to even repeat the comparison!). I LOVE your blog and your photographs!!! Really lovely. I hope you WILL put these together in a book; I would buy more than one copy!

  96. I just saw your blog for the first time. I LOVE it! You are so creative! I am amazed by each of your different ideas. Each one makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  97. I just found your blog via a friends blog and I LOVE the photos and the stories that relate to them.

    I have to say that I believe your daughter will absolutely LOVE the photos you are doing of her when she is older! She will have a rare one-of-a-kind scrapbook of her baby days! What teenager would not love that!

    The ones who are being negative are just jealous that they didn't think of it themselves!

    You are VERY creative and need to go into professional children's and infant photography! You are missing your calling my dear!

  98. You could make so much money simply publishing a picture book of all of these photos, professional photos or NOT. I would buy it. What a great coffee table book or baby shower gift it would make. Amazing.

  99. Beautiful and serene. If you made a calendar I would purchase. And your angel will have something to look back on that everyone was able to share in this amazing form of Art

  100. Hi, I am a photographer (although I tend not to get involved with baby photography mainly as I don't have children myself) and I find your images inspired, beautiful and slightly haunting (in a good way). I take my hat off to you for using your time on maternity leave to stay creative!
    Love it! Sarah x.

  101. You are so creative! It's amazing!

  102. Totally amazing photos. I'm more amazed that she sleeps so children wake up if someone breathes too heavily. maybe i'm a little jealous!

  103. Such a great idea to keep the creative juices flowing. Keep having fun together!

  104. I'm Nikki creater of the blog
    today i did a review on your site. I would love for you to read it and let me know what you think. If there is anything you would like for me to add or take out please let me know!
    please keep the pictures coming, I love them.

    Nikki Darlin'

  105. Ignore any jerky comments...your pictures are amazing and fun!

  106. Oh my gosh! You're a genius!
    The pictures are so colorful and creative! Loving it!

  107. Dear Mila, I read through all the comments. Some inspiring, good, some are ridiculous but we still have to accept all sort of people around us. As tropicalsummer said, i think you are a genius and we truly appreciate that you shared this beautiful and creative blog with us. Otherwise, we would not see anything. I've had my fair share of problems in blog-land...but at the end of the day...there's just tons of goodness in it. My best friends are people in blog-land, people I have never met yet, but still I connect strongly with. Go with your gut feeling, the photos are just too smashing. Hugs from Malaysia :)

  108. My daughter is expecting her first child any day now, my first grandchild. We are so excited. A friend shared this website with us. The photos are great, I am still smiling and happy to see them. Thank you for openning your heart and your family.

  109. It's all been said above...and I agree with all of it (all the positives, that is... ;D). And, I REALLY agree that you have to make a book or calendar out of these! You're truly an inspiration to us all <3

    (and, I have to add I got a special little 'thrill' when I saw that you're in Finland, as well!)

  110. These are soooooo WONDERFUL! What a creative art (and outlet for a mommy!) Thank you for sharing your wonderful images!

  111. I think these are wonderfully creative photos that definitely would make terrific childrens' stories. Such adventures for a sleeping baby girl! I believe your daughter will think you're the coolest Mom in the world and will always know how absolutely she has stolen your heart!

  112. I am a mother and amateur photographer myself and I think you are FABULOUS! Every one of these photos is so beautiful and creative and unique. You should totally publish a book of these. I would buy it in a second!


  113. I can see you spin this into so many things...You could have a little Mila empire to pay for her education!

  114. Simply stunning! My daughter is 5 months old--I just wish I had done something amazing like this for her! What a beautiful gift for a child and a treasure for a mother.

  115. Hi Mila

    Thank u for ur funny&little crazy pictures,,
    actually I'm quite impressed also I am a newborn girl's mum
    i've been such a busydays with my new baby sometimes it's hard & tired but ur work brings me a fresh air to me,,

    so today I have quated ur idea little bit and
    put my girl in the story,,I don't know ur email address so I leave my facebook here,,!/photo.php?pid=430778&fbid=158368090848751&id=100000266825713&ref=nf

    if u have a time& have a look my little cook!

  116. You are so talented and creative. I thought books right away, but I agree with other posts, it could go much farther. Wouldn't they make great cards, and so much more. I hope your family will be blessed through your talent.

  117. Beautiful & wonderful. I stop in once & awhile to see the latest Mila pic. She is growing fast. If my boy slept so soundly I would do the same. Very pretty very nice idea. Keep up the good work. Congrats!!

  118. Adele, thank you so much to both you and Lasse for sharing Mila with all of us!

    I'm wondering where Mila's adorable little duck is from? One of my nieces loves ducks, and every time I see the one in your pictures I wish I could find one like it.

    Keep up the great work - it's been such a gift to watch Mila grow!

  119. You are so creative! I love your idea! I think it's so cool. What a fun way to capture your princess & be creative!!

  120. Your blog is amazing and I it is for all the little angels in the world!
    Your creativity is fabulous :)
    Please, accept my best regards,
    Mila ;) Bulgaria

  121. I cried when I found your blog. This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I just had to return to work after my 10 weeks of maternity leave.
    In my small amount of spare time now, I write books of romance and adventure and just hope one day to finally publish one that my daughter can read and escape into my world of dreams.
    It's like you took that idea and captured it in a photo(s).
    If I were Mila, I would think my mom was the best one in the whole wide world. :)~ I truly hope that you can write a children's book of short stories with these photos someday. I think it would be amazing.
    You are the new Anne Geddes for sure!!!

    Keep it up!!

  122. Your pictures of sweet Mila are brilliantly adorable! So creative. Keep doing what you love!

  123. You say you are not a professional photographer but I want to say you could be! I am, and I've never thought of anything so wonderful and creative for my clients! You daughter will love it when she grows up....lovely, fun, thanks for sharing!! Donna from California

  124. My cousin directed me to your blog, thinking that I would particularly enjoy it as my baby girl is too named Mila. What a beautiful idea. You and your husband are very talented, and Mila is a very lucky girl who will have all of these amazing pictures from her childhood. I look forward to your book coming out in the future and will surely buy it and read from it to my own little Mila. Thank you!

  125. Hello Adele,
    Allow me to express my admiration for two things:
    1) your (& your husband's) outstanding talent.
    2) the lovely imagination you are going to cultivate in your daughter.
    I hope you do realise all your 'daydreaming' dreams.
    Regards from India :)

  126. reading this blog is the highlight of my day- and possibly the main reason for the procrastination of my collegiate studies. I anxiously anticipate the book! Thank you for all the smiles you have given me throughout the months.

    -Angela (a bored college student)

  127. Hi Adele!

    You are so talented and inspiring. I was sad to look at your blog today and see the not so dreamy post about other individuals using photos of your precious Mila without your consent. It boggles my mind to why people make the choices they do... but I am happy to see that there are amazing people in the world like you who know what is too much. I am so thrilled to see that there is a book in the works. I consider you the new Anne Geddes. Can't wait for the book, congratulations on all of your success and your happy sleepy baby!

  128. I just returned to review your photos...and was so sorry to see that they have been misused! (I have had that happen too, with flower photos used in catalog advertising!)

    I remember one photo in particular, very much a Marc Chagall scene. :)

    I will miss them...

  129. Dear Adele,

    Thank you for letting us see into YOUR beautiful mind. The dream-world you fabricate for sweet Mila radiates such innocence and playfulness! What a treat it has been to visit your blog to find sweet and funny surprises.

    I look forward to the daydream book and the prospect of sharing it with my great-nieces.

    Isn't life amazing?

    Vicki Jones
    Orlando, Florida, USA

  130. So sad it's all come to an end. My husband sent me your link when I was still breastfeeding my little one in the middle of the night and I used to log in and see what Mila had been up to in the small hours. Can't wait for the book to come out as I never tired of looking through your pictures.

  131. I have to say that I truly miss your fantastic "stories-in-a-picture" blog and Milas naptime escapades. Thank you for giving us all such a wonderful time, taking us all along with you.

  132. Hi.
    Is it possible four you to send me your lullaby song to my email
    my daughter loves it so much that she can go sleep without crying only with this song.
    With all my respect, Ilze

  133. Absolutely beautiful pictures! I can't wait to try this with my little one (on the way). Congrats on the book coming out : )

    Thank you for the inspiration!

  134. Good to see a mom like you blogging in a positive way.

    Your child is sooooo cute. Take care.

  135. Happy New Year to you and your family! I had to blog about you and your blog!

    Thanks for keeping on blogging! I promise I will bake your spice cake!

  136. What model canon is that, and what lens is that in the picture?

    Love the photos, have a look at mine when you get the chance:

  137. As a mother to a very active 1 year old.. I miss those moments when my daughter would sleep like yours. These photos and your blog are wonderful. I read now that you are in L.A. I live in LA too. What a change in weatehr from Finland to sunny beautiful souther California. Good luck and welcome.

  138. Love 'm... will you sell posters? I'd LOVE the bookworm!

  139. I, too, love your photos and am interested in buying a print or poster of Mila in her Indian sari. My daughter, Kate, will be volunteering in Pune, India, this summer and I'd love to send her with the wonderful picture of Mila.

  140. These are awesome!! - as a mom of a 4-month old girl myself - I am amazed that you have the time and energy to do this - let alone the mental energy for yr amazing creativity - i am also a bit jealous that your daughter actually naps that well - mine wakes up even if i get up from the sofa...or fold clothes... and typically naps for only 20 minutes at a time. i am waiting for your book. Keep your fans posted about when it gets out!

  141. I discovered you when I received an email with 22 of Mila's dream pix. Nobody was using them to make money, just to share your wonderful creativity and darling baby. Thank you for sharing and I'm delighted to see they will come out in a book. You will continue to warm and delight more hearts than you can ever know.

    What nonsense for people to worry that Mila or anybody would be upset over her baby photos being seen on the Internet. Babies look enough alike and change so rapidly that there's no possibility of danger in it. I hope you can ignore such spoilsports. The world needs more gentle and loving creativity like yours.

  142. I wish my babies had been constantly sleeping, no such luck there!

    As others have said, really fun and creative stuff you have put out!

  143. Your pictures are a blessing to many I am sure. I smiled and aahhhhed at many and laughed out loud at some and just was thrilled to see them. Hope your book is the #1 Best Seller and then those nay sayers (negative folks) will see that all's well... Best regards to you...PollyAnna

  144. Wow Adele you are a master craftswoman - what a fabulous idea and how beautifully executed! I'm blown away. My grandchildren live in the USA and I live in South Africa, so I greatly appreciate this fabulous dreamscape art of your precious angel. She is so blessed to have such wonderful parents as you.
    Much love,
    Dianne in South Africa

  145. I also received an email of many of your photos and it brought so much delight! The photos had your watermark and I came to your website. I read what you put about copyright and feel quite badly I learned of your work through a viral email. I look forward to your book so I can buy it and appropriately compensate you for your joyful and inspiring artwork! I have a 1 year old daughter and can't wait to read your book to her.

  146. I found out about your work through a mass email too... But I am happy that I found out even like this, because moments like this put a smile to my face! You are an incredibly creative person, and a very loving mother! I am sure Mila will appreciate what you've done when she's old enough to realize it. I will be looking forward to your book, and I will read it to my children when I have one day! I wish you all the best, also for Mila and Lasse, for a happy and healthy family.

  147. So glad I found your blog! These are fabulous. I just love the creative and carefree spirit that comes across in these vignettes.
    I'd love to write you up on my blog.

  148. I love your pictures, they are so creative. I have a baby and I can see your love for your daughter in your pics. I had to write about your pictures on my blog.
    Your story is inspiring and will help other moms snapback.

  149. Hi adele,
    I just discovered your blog through some pics sent by a friend. You are a very talented story teller! I love it. I blogged about it and used some of your pictures as well as the little video, please let me know if it's ok, if not I will remove the post.
    All the best,

  150. Very inspiring, I love it and it is so very well executed! Mila is gorgeous :D

  151. I am very interested in your photo.May I talk to you about the photo license? If you have intrested ,I can send to you the more information about my company.
    Thank you~

  152. I've just seen your baby's pictures in a blog I follow (
    I have to say that you are an amazing mother, not only because your creativity, but especially because you take the time to dream your child's dream, to imagine a magical world for her, while most of us just think about how good it is when they are sleeping so we can also have a rest!!!Thanks so much for sharing Mila's pics with us! They surely changed the way I'll look at my children when they're sleeping. xxx

  153. Hi Adele,

    Today I opened a file with the pictures from you and your baby. I love them! I visited your blog, it is really nice and you are very special mom! I wish the best for your and your family. This is Silvana from Milan, Italy!! Best Regards and kisses!

  154. Beautiful just beautiful! A mother's and father's love is just pouring out of the photos. Yes, there will be a time, when Mila may choose not to see this gift is a special as it is, but she will grow to know this gift you give her to cherish the rest of her life. Thank for letting me have insight into a extremely, talented, creative and loving mother! My hats off to you!

  155. I would like to send you a photo from my girl but I don't know how to do it !
    what is your email adress?


  156. Hello Adele,
    I love your pics, I just can't get tired of looking at them! Don't stop, please :)
    Best wishes,

  157. I looooooooveeeeeeeeeee your daughters soooo much ,,, love their pix, please keep showing us your lovely pictures .....

  158. Hello, I'm your fan for a long time. Now I have a daughter and I would like to send the photographs inspired by you and Mila. I was wondering how I can do?

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  160. Me and my wife enjoyed the photos published here, the creativity and the imaginary work done by the mother here.

    Also stumbled upon a similar type of work here
    Should be japanese version....


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