
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our 15 minutes in fame - Today Show

I was so nervous but I survived, mostly because all hosts were so warm and lovely in person,

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
With Kathie Lee and Hoda

With Ann Curry

Thank you Kathie Lee, Hoda, Ann Curry and all the others, who I had pleasure to meet during my short stay in NY.


  1. You were so eloquent! Love your photos :)

  2. Very very nice.
    I want to run out and buy your book.
    Love your creative photos.

  3. OMG I just finished reading Hoda's biography book, it's so cool! I have never heard of her before (oops), until I randomly picked her book up in the library lol

  4. Absolutely loved looking at both of those clips and might I add that you were looking soooooooo lovely. Congratulations on all the popularity and Mila will be able to look back years from now and see how she gave so much joy to so many looking at her photographs. You were also being very modest during the interview my friend because I have seen so many ways that your whole family is talented. I still like to go back and listen to the lullaby you sang to Mila.
    I am so honored to be able to communicate with you.

  5. Wonderful! You did very well and look forward to your book =)

  6. You did great and you looked awesome (congrats on #2)! I can't wait to get your book.

  7. Oh my gosh! It's BEAUTIFUL! You did such a great job!! I have been following you and looking at your photos for quite a while and am always in awe of how you come up with the ideas! It's sooo fantastic to see it blossoming into something! and congratulations on the book!!

  8. congrats on the book! I can't wait to see what more you come up with when baby #2 arrives!

  9. Great - so fun to see you on the morning shows. Loved hearing your explanations about the "props" - your husbands socks, your pashmina, etc. - that you used around Mila to create the scenes. Your creativity is to be admired, Momma! :)

  10. Mahtavaa Adele! Osaisitko vinkata, että mistä kirjasi kannattaisi tilata Suomeen? Tai tuleeko sitä joihinkin kirjakauppoihin?

  11. What a great job you did in those interviews!! How fun :) And, I'm betting that your "15 minutes" aren't used up yet...there's sure to be more to come, since your book is so very lovely <3

  12. I was so excited to see you on the Today show as I was getting breakfast for my almost 2 year old. You did a fabulous job. You looked very much at ease and not nervous at all. Congratulations on your book!

  13. مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووور

  14. I saw you on this and I was thrilled, because I'd seen your blog photos a while back and thought they were magnificent! What great success you've had! So creative!

  15. Congratulations, Adele! I'll buy your book for sure!

  16. Lovely! You gave wonderful interviews and deserve every bit of success from this project! Congrats.

  17. I'm going to buy your book and I don't even have any young children in my family! I just think the photos are AMAZING. The creativity just leaps off every page!

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