
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Great FAN ART Competition!

I have noticed from Mila's Daydreams Facebook page that many of you guys are inspired to make your own dream pictures with your family. (See the photo gallery) That's so cool!

So I have decided to create a competition for you.  You can send your own dream picture to whenmybabydreams(@)   (Remove parentheses from @. Only one picture per person. Add your contact details for the prize.)

I will pick the best picture of the every Friday and publish it here in my blog with your name (or preferred nickname.) Between all the best pictures of the week I will choose the winner at Valentine's Day, 14th Feb 2012!

And the prize is…. *drumming*

A lovely basket of gift books, including: GOODNIGHT MOON,  RUNAWAY BUNNY, And of course, WHEN MY BABY DREAMS!

And of course we are going to pick randomly four other winners between all who take part in this competition by sending their pictures before 10th of february 2012. They are going to get When My Baby Dreams -book! 

So now, send your best dream picture to whenmybabydreams (at) and you are in the competition!


  1. I love your blog and I'm interested, but I have a question
    For the price of what?

  2. Oh, I mean prize, if you win :)

    Price, prize... you have to remember, english is foreign language for me.

  3. Thank you!
    It is also a foreign language to me.
    (I'm Ramoon G too)

  4. My dreams are different. Don't know how to visualise them. Hmmm.. for now I will get on with my Blog: best home business

  5. I’ve finally had a chance to look at the entries for the Redshirts Fan Art contest, and holy crap, there was some magnificent stuff in there. It was difficult to narrow it down to a final five entries for you folks here to vote on. But narrow it down I and my Jury of Awesomeness did, and here are you five finalists. At the end, you’ll be able to vote in a poll to pick your favorite. The poll will be open until noon Eastern Time, Tuesday, May 29. Please vote only once, but of course tell everyone you know to


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