
Monday, January 10, 2011

The Real Housewives of Venice Beach

Sorry for the delay with updating this blog. We have been exhausted after traveling. Gigantic jet lag and flu. (Note to myself: You can't sleep in the airplane with the baby.) The nights are very cold and the house was cold when we arrived. So first Mila got the flu and then me, and after that my mother-in-law. So we girls have been just sick and watching all the funny stuff from the telly, like the Millionaire matchmaker and The Real Housewives of the Beverly Hills. Since our life in Venice has been not-so-glamorous while we've been sneezing our heads off and wrapped up to microfleece, I have to confess that it is very entertaining to see something totally different. Superficiality is not normally my cup of tea, but I promise that even though I hate shopping, I'm going to shop until I drop when I'm feeling better. And spa, need to get in spa. Maybe manicure...what else? Vanity, here we come! We can try anything else than plastic surgery, hair extensions and furs.

I'm probably going to update this blog quite infrequently now, since I have so much other things to do. (beside my new vain housewife -things) I made some new year promises:
- I'm going to write the next book(s)
- Learn to take better photos
- See more people IRL and get new friends
- Use less e-mail, since it's taking so much from my time. I'm so sorry, but I really can't answer to all e-mails even if I would love to. It started to feel like full-time job, and it shouldn't.
- Exercise more and find joy from some kind of sport
- Eat healthier food (That is so easy here, I absolutely love Whole Foods Market!)

What did you promise?

I wish you all lovely New Year 2011! And may your all dreams and promises come true!


  1. I've nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award. Go here to accept your award:

    Love your blog! Adelaide from Norwegian Phoenix

  2. Welcome to my home town! :-) There really is tons of delicious and healthy food around here. Enjoy!

  3. --Read at least 1 book a week, for every week of the year.
    --lose 10 pounds (cliche, I know)
    --blog more

    Did you move permanently? Or vacationing?

  4. I hope you enjoy your time with family! And have fun taking care of yourself, to me there are few things more luxurious than a massage and a manicure :)

  5. superficial TV is the best when you're sick. ;)

  6. Taking care of yourself is a good thing Adele. Indulge yourself and get some relief from the time of illness. You certainly deserve it and the award is very appropriate.

  7. I love your blog! It's so amazing and I love your profile pic! You are so... imaginative!

  8. See, that is where blogging can help. You can answer all the email at once on the blog!! Seriously, you should not stress over what others are demanding of you. Indulge yourself, have fun, and enjoy that sweet little baby. Of course, picture taking is a great way to work off some stress.

  9. I promised myself I'll start blogging in English, and then I’ll start saving for a trip to the US :)

  10. Sharing a great free weekly Digital Photography School site, since this is one of your goals for the new year. I hope you love it as much as I do.

  11. hehe~~I love your blog
    welcome to my blog

  12. Oh mylanta, I just got an email full of your BEAUTIFUL photos, my co-workers and I LOVED all of them! You are SO talented! Glad to be a follower :)


  13. I'm glad to hear you and Mila are feeling better! California is the perfect place to find great, fresh organic foods all year; we love the Whole Foods store in our town, when we can make the drive to one, and the budget allows (it's about a 30 minute drive away).

    Don't forget to pamper your feet along with your fingers! A pedicure is mandatory in California, I think!

    I'm already working on one goal, to take better care of myself - drop some weight and get out to walk more. Another is to clean off my desk and keep it neat... and one more is to get out with my husband more often on dates. We have a 3-yr-old and no kid-capable friends/family in the area, so time as a couple has been a rare luxury for, well, the past 3 years!

    I look forward to reading your posts, and can appreciate the need for a break - concentrate on enjoying your time in a warmer, sunnier climate!

  14. We are so glad you are loving SoCal... Whole foods is amazing!!! Don't forget Trader Joes for a more economic shop. Check out these Malls... Beverley Center, The Grove, and The Americana... Talk about great people watching. And a Mani/Pedi is mandatory in Cali. We love your goals... Have tons of fun and ask the locals for good eats... Everyone loves to share there favorite place. Have tons tons tons tons of fun... I'll be getting my mani/pedi next week as I am sick with the flu too... :( I hope the weather stays warm for you!!!

  15. Thank you for the inspiration for the very last photo in this video (you have to watch past the credits.) We are trying to spread the word about our creative arts organization that is out to change the world. Please share the dream!

  16. Happy New Year! My resolutions are:

    Eat more soup.
    Drink less coffee.
    Laugh at the nonsense of life, instead of taking it to heart.

    Hope Mila and co feel better soon.

  17. Toivottavasti teillä kaikilla tytöillä flunssa on jo taakse jäänyttä elämää! Meidän Kreeta-Orvokki ihastui ikihyviksi iki-ihaniin kuviisi. Kuten minäkin. Kaikkea hyvää koko perheelle uudessa elämänvaiheessa!
    My New Year promise: I'm going to laugh more!

  18. I love your blog! You are an inspiration for many things:art, music, writing, good mommying...

  19. I came across your blog months ago, probably right when the Mila's Daydreams went viral. : ) I loved both your photos and your writing, and I will continue to follow along!

    Anyway, a friend recently sent me a link to this page ( and I just wanted to make sure you were aware of might have given them permission to use the pictures but in case you hadn't I thought you would want to know.

  20. welcome to LA!
    I have one spa recommendation for you - BURKE WILLIAMS! none is better!
    There's one in Santa Monica on 4th street, super close to Venice Beach.

    Thanks for your sweet and inspirational blog.
    and if you need any advice on local kid activities, parks in the neigborhood, etc... feel free to email!

    (we LOVE Ocean Park Beach at the end of Ocean Park Blvd.)

  21. Adele -Your sweet cherished child is adorable. And photogenic!

    I'm heading off to my Intro To Competitive Swimming class tonight. Trying to keep my head up above water in both the pool and in life!

    Greetings from Albany, NY,

  22. I love your blog too and hope you have a lovely relaxing break. Your music is constantly going through my head.

  23. No longer make New Year promises...I make day by day promises seems to work better for me! I think I originally found your blog through Facebook...since it's grown into such a huge thing...take your break, you and your precious little one certainly deserve it! Post when you can...we'll all be out here waiting!

  24. I love this! A friend of mine sent your pictures over to me tonight. I live in USA and have a 3 month old baby. I have taken over 5,000 pictures of her so far. :)

  25. I got an e-mail today with lots of your pictures on it. I loved them! You are sooo creative. Good for you on the book. I posted your blog to my FB page along with one photo you took. I hope you don't mind. If you do, please let me know and I'll take it off.

    I'm from the USA. I hope you don't run out of ideas. My 5-year-old son, 3-year-old daughter and my 16-mth-old baby loved your pictures. Thank you for following through an your idea. Can't wait to see your book.

  26. offermyoffer is a site about free discount voucher and international stuffs


  27. Great shot of the palm trees. Try cutting out the street lights and other man-made objects for a more artistic and natural effect. Keep the photographs coming, it makes winter easier to deal with knowing there are living palm trees somewhere!

    mark thuesen

  28. If you like whole foods market be sure to find a bristol farms you will love it more.

    my tres promises:


    AND WRITE MORE AND MORE ( my blog that i love and maybe a novel! )

    besos a todos from Spain

  30. Ready for this TV show!!
    Let's rock.

  31. Haha. Unfortunately we are now back freezing in Helsinki Finland...

    Tell my best wishes to my favourite part of Los Angeles, Venice Beach/Santa Monica.


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