
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lullaby for Mila

I'm often singing lullaby's to Mila. One night I just started to hum a little melody in my head. When Mila fell asleep I went to ask my hubby if he had heard that melody before, and where it might be from, or did I just made that up. He said it sounds like I made that. "Can we make a lullaby for her from that?" I asked. "Yes, sure. Or we could make a Broadway musical?" He replied. "Well...let's try that lullaby first." I laughed. 

So I made the melody for the verse, lyrics and singing, and my hubby did everything else and made my singing sound ok.  The song is called: "Tuulen tuutulaulu" (Wind's lullaby) you can listen it from here: Tuulen tuutulaulu            

The lyrics are in finnish AND loosely translated in to english. (click photo below). Lyrics are naive and quite daydream-like. I just found how hard it is to make, not just a translation but more like a transcreation, if you have made "creative" text like lyrics in another language. I'm not that satisfied with the english text, and don't even know if it's singable. But you get the picture from that. 

My husband is ridiculously talented composer and I'm just a educated music listener, who's still suffering from childhood trauma's from studying piano and flute for 10 years and sucking in that every minute. But with him I've started to enjoy about music more than in years. I'm still at my best in listening, but now I get it that joy of making music. My old music teachers would be very surprised to hear that. I love singing, even when I'm not that good in that. Luckily babies don't care. (And autotune is invented.)

I love to hear music in our home. Sometimes when he's composing film music, it's like we are living in movie. When Mila is going to be older, I'd be happy if she would like to play some instrument. Then I really have to face my own traumas. How to encourage child to do something and not to force to fill our own expectations? How to keep a joy in everything so they don't lose their natural interest and love for learning. I hope we know the right answers when it's time. 


  1. tuli kyllä itku kun kuuntelin. ihana!!!! <3

  2. Kaunis! Mitä musiikkiin tulee, niin mulla nousee karvat pystyyn kun kuulen jotain hirveää tai kaunista. Tämä piti karvat pystyssä alusta loppuun vain ja ainoastaan sen vuoksi että tuo on niin kaunis!

  3. I've not commented here before, but that was absolutely beautiful! Well done! I'm sure your little girl will grow up to be very musical too.

  4. Suloinen tuutulaulu!! Olette taitavia molemmat, sinä sekä miehesi, ja sinulla on kaunis, kuulas lauluääni joka sopii tähän lauluun ihanasti!

  5. Lisään vielä, että sitten kun teet sen kirjan niistä suloisista Milan uni-satu-kuvista, tee ihmeessä mukaan myös levyllinen tuutulauluja....

  6. I must say that I find it hard to find words to express just how blessed Mila is to have talented parents like you two. I totally loved your song and you have a beautiful voice. It was such a soothing song even though I couldn't understand the words. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.

  7. You are a blessed mother with a gift as a family! I'm following you since the beginning, and it's so great and beautiful see almost every day your photos and now your impressions about life. Thank you! I have a beautiful family too, two girls (2 and a half years old and 1 month old), and sometimes I fell very close to you... I whote a lullaby to my "big" girl Ada, when I was pregnant, but I couldn't find someone to play that with me... And I love to sing too!
    Kisses for you from Turkey!
    Maya, Ada and Mina.

  8. Thank you, Adele. I love the song! Wish it could be translated in to danish so I could sing it for my little girl. Thanks for sharing with us :-)

  9. Beautiful! my kids love it. Well done.

  10. Wow... this makes me cry... it is so beautiful. I think you have a very nice voice.

  11. Heips, en tiennyt, että tämän blogin takana olikin suomalainen. Wautsi!:)
    Kuvasi ovat olleet ihania! Harmin paikka, että ihmiset eivät osaa kunnioittaa toisten omaisuutta.

  12. beautiful song, as many before me have said, how talented you (three) are. If I may offer a suggestion on the english translation, last verse, last line, either take out the 'a' - the sun has gone long ago behind the mountains deep or add 'time' the sun has gone a long time ago behind the mountains deep....cheers

  13. Aivan ihana laulu! Meillä lapset ihastuivat ihan heti siihen. Olette kyllä tosi taitavia, sinä ja miehesi.

    Olisinkin kysynyt, saako sitä polttaa cd:lle ihan kotikäyttöön nukahtamismusiikiksi?

    Terkuin, Ilona:)

  14. Beautiful! You seem to have so many talents! I will borrow the boy next door (1 year old now), to let him hear this lovely lullaby.
    Thanks from Amsterdam.

  15. So beautiful!!! Thanks you so much. The english translation communicates very well the essence of what you're singing, it's lovely. Thank you for sharing with us!

  16. Aivan ihana laulu...kylmät väreet kiirivät selkääni pitkin.

  17. we're listening at the moment and my daugher is falling asleep, so it works!!! thanks. I invite lullabies too in polish and spanish but they aren't so beautiful, bu you're right: the children don't care :) greets

  18. OK, now please can you go and record a whole album so I can download it (I'll pay!) and play it to my baby? I loved your lullaby.

  19. Beautiful! I don't think this song would sound half that lovely in English! :)

  20. The song is so wonderful! It is worth to be taken to Eurovision. Really.
    Besides, it makes me want to study Finnish.

  21. This is so beautiful and ethereal. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  22. It is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this with us :)

  23. Hehehehe, Cute! I've also made uo songs when my baby sleeps... Sadly I forget them after he sleeps :)

  24. Pretty voice after all!! :-)

  25. Hey there are these small studios where you can make your own single. That would be an idea?

  26. PS I will put this song to my baby, even I don't understand finish, you sing very sweet and the music it feels like I heard it before ( it's not that I actually heard it, just that it feels like)... I love the melody when I heard it it made me thing about a red-haired girl singing to the sea :D

  27. I have never heard Finnish before...and yet, it is so so sweet sounding and soothing. I'd be dozing off soon too...and you sang like a pro. Happy weekend.

  28. wonderful! Even I would love being lulled to sleep with your lullaby.

  29. so beautiful. my little man (2 months old) was laying here with me as I listened and he sat and listened!

  30. wonderful :) Sitting here with my 8 months baby that has an ear infection. I played your song and he instantly became calm and quiet. Finnish is the most beautiful language in the world.

    hello from Norway

  31. Ihana laulu!
    Kiitos pienestä rauhoittumisen hetkestä kodin siivous/sisustamispuuhien keskelle :)

  32. Lovely! I'll be playing this for my little one.

  33. Beautiful lullaby; makes me wish you had a whole album of lullabies so that I could buy it! I also think it is best in your native tongue; although I cannot understand the language, it fits the mood and the music the best. You and your family are quite talented. Thanks for sharing those talents with all of us.

  34. I love it! I would love to hear it in English as well!

  35. Wow, this is so lovely. Yet again my dear, you have put many of us to shame with just how amazingly talented you are in everything you do! Mila is really blessed to be growing up in such a creative household. If you and your husband record an album of lullabies, I'll definitely be buying a copy!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Minä :D, Adi, Odie Langley, Léa, EvaLux, Kathryn, Thea, Jennifer Riegel, d.,, April, Jo, Angela, Carla Morais, kristen, Emma Olympia Gutierrez, EBBA, Samantha, Elina, tomoko, Emily...and all the others, Thank you so much for your nice words!

    And some answers:

    Ixu, Pia: Hah, hauskaa että nousi karvat pystyn ja tuli kylmiä väreitä. Se on just parasta ihmisten itkettämisen lisäksi. (Siis positiivisen itkutuksen) :)

    KERRY: Thank you.. oh, I hope so, but of course I will love her even if her only talent would be existing. :D

    Heli: Hei, kiitos! Luulen että jätän levyttelyn noille ammattilaisille, tämä oli vaan hassu pieni kokeilu. Mutta voisihan sitä jotain musiikkia ainakin luoda ja sanoittaa vielä tulevaisuudessakin siipan kanssa. Vaikka jotain musiikkisatuja.

    Ana Luisa Maya Uludüz: Thank You! Actually, I feel close to many of you too! These comments are so nice and heart warming. I don't have that much friends who have kids, so I feel I've found real friends and kindred spirits in same situations from my blog readers.

    Alette : Thank you! I can't speak any danish, but I could translate it into my very lousy swedish (I studied that in school like all finns and forgot almost everything after that).. Så min svenska är kanske dåligt, men det skulle vara bra träning, haha. Och det skulle vara lätt att översätta det på danska... Well, I think you could do better job to translate it into danish from english anyway :D

    Blomm: heh, joo. Suomalaisia sitä ollaan suurimmaksi osaksi :) Ja kyllä harmittaa kuvien kohtalo, mutta olisihan mun pitänyt arvata että niin voi käydä.

    PickleandPie: Thank you for your suggestion! I think that would be good correction to the english text. :)

    Ilona: Saa tallentaa omaan käyttöön :) Kauniita unia!

    Ellie: I don't know about that making an album part.. :D But you can download this song free from that link for your own, private usage. Just right-click written link and save song to your computer.

    Małgorzata I think that's true. I was thinking in finnish when I wrote those lyrics, and I tried to use only beautiful finnish words in that.

    Mavka Haha, Eurovision! Oh, we finns just suck in that competition every year... But maybe that's because we haven't done those songs before ... haha. Just kidding. Well, Lordi (Finnish monster heavy band) won the whole competition once. I could join a band and sound like a monster without autotune :D

    H: Well, we have a little studio in our home and I think I don't need to make a better quality single than this. I know this would sound awesome if there was real orchestra and real singer, but hey, this is just a lullaby and most of the time I sing it and not just listen it from the iTunes. :)

    Angela: Cool image you're thinking. Now I can see that too. Red haired girl singing to the sea. Well, we live near to ocean and my hair is quite reddish...but I think I see something from the past. Mila's ancestors maybe, finnish wizards, karelian maids and those vikings. :)

    M.Kate, prinetti and NatalieG: Thank you. I like how finnish sounds, although we rarely think it's a beautiful language when we hear it in everyday life.

    Babyglu2u: Thanks! My english is not good enough for singing. I write better than I speak, and in singing I would have a double challenge to stay in tune and have a correct pronunciation. Maybe some other mother could sing that in english?...well, I still believe that finnish will sound better in those lyrics. ;)

    LVdtw: Thank you so much! I feel honored if you think that. I get that feeling from the comments too. There is love in this world over cultures and other borders. ♡

  38. This piece is defintely my cup of tea!!!!
    I love this piece a lot... and happy to have the chance to listen it tonight.
    Please give us such kind of opportunity to share the lovely world.

  39. That was absolutely beautiful. I wish you would consider transferring this lullaby to cd so that we your followers could purchase it. I would love to purchase a copy. I have always had trouble getting my daughter to sleep, soft soothing music always does the trick. She just sat in my lap and listened to your lullaby and wanted me to play it again and again. :-) Your family is very talented and your daughter is just beautiful.

  40. I just realized you commented a couple posts above me that we could download it for our own private usage, thank you, it is much appreciated! Will try to do that now. Much easier than hitting play over and over lol!

  41. You are so multi-talented...the lullaby is beautiful and beautifully sung (your voice is quite lovely) fortunate your daughter is to have such talented parents!

  42. What a beautiful song & what a beautiful voice you have. It's so soothing. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Oh wow...
    That's actually so beautiful beyond description

  44. Beautiful! Well done!

    I have played piano since I was 12, and flute since I was 10. Both have always been great loves of mine.

    My daughter is 3, and I've started giving her some very basic piano lessons. Essentially what I do is we just listen to a lot of music, and have the piano there, and let her investigate it when she wants. She chooses when she wants to learn, and how long, and I make it fun, no frustration. She's in control of the lesson to an extent, when she's done, we're done. No forcing her to come back and sit down. Plus ever since before she was even born I was always singing with her, and playing my piano and flute for her, she has always loved it. Her younger brothers are being done the same way, exposed to music, and allowed to be curious about the piano and world of music. Lots of musical instruments in this house! We move it and shake it most of the afternoon making up any and every silly song we can and banging away on the little toy drums and shaking the tambourines and other shakers. Just making it fun!

    I think your daughter is going to be one lovely and talented young lady with awesome parents like you guys are!!

  45. Kaunis laulu! Siinä on taianomainen tunnelma, jota eteerinen äänesi korostaa upeasti! Mila saa todellakin olla ylpeä ja onnellinen lahjakkaista vanhemmistaan, kuten moni on jo kommentoinutkin! Tämä ihana laulu jää varmasti soimaan päähäni ja laulan sitä pikkuiselleni!

  46. I love the song!! I've been reading your blog for a long time and... I'm too young now but in some years I'd like to be a mum like you, creative and talented! Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm so ignorant, which language do you speak?

  47. That is so beautiful, reminds me of the old irish songs. Can we buy your CD or something lol ...
    p.s. I really miss mila's dreams :(

  48. Even without understanding the language this is enchantingly beautiful - what a blessed life you are enjoying! :)

  49. This song is beautiful. Tomorrow I'll check what my daughetrs think about it ;)
    And I have to say: you're person with many tallents. And I'm happy to read your blog :)
    I even made a photo inspired by your photos with Mila. You can check it here:!/photo.php?pid=5284638&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=51646657515&id=560824652
    And I have to say: work with sleeping baby is easier for sure ;)

  50. You two are so talented!! This song is absolutely beautiful. Now besides a photo book, you may want to start working on a lullaby album now :) See how kids bring us not only joy and happiness but so many more!

  51. I'm french and my english isn't good. I've never comment before but this time I'm so charmed. Your voice is so beautiful, at least as great as your daughter's pictures. Love this song, will make it hear to my 11 months son tomorrow. Thank you for all your poetry. So much.

  52. BEAUTIFUL. i will buy your CD for every child i know. ok not really because i'm not rich yet but wow -- TALENT is pouring out of you guys! what a blessing for all of us to enjoy!
    thank you for sharing. xoooox, marla

  53. I love your lullaby! You should make more of these, I would buy your CD (or iTunes) ;)

  54. Just so you will know I featured you on my "Thankful Thursday" blog today and shared it on my facebook as well. Lots of folks are really enjoying your lullaby and asking others to listen. I am so glad because you have such a beautiful voice and others feel the same way. Thank you for blessing us with your creation.

  55. Oh, a photo book AND a lullaby album, please? My ancestry is Finnish, so it is a language that is familiar to my ears, even though I know only a handful of words. Thank you for sharing!

  56. I just read why you took your baby's pictures down - that is so sad! I think you are so creative, and look forward to buying the book when it comes out. Having followed your blog a bit - and loving your photos, and the stories they tell, I'm sure your book will become my favourite "baby gift" to give.

  57. I love, love, LOVE this lullaby! You have a very beautiful voice and your hubby has done wonders with the background.

    I also love your creativity and how you have (äh, englannin osaaminen loppui tähän, siis siitä miten olet kääntänyt voitoksi nuo ikävät tapahtumat, jotka johtivat blogin totaaliseen muutokseen.) renovated thriumphantly this blog.

    Thank you!

  58. I didn't realise you speak Finnish :D
    The lullaby is so beautiful. Mila has very talented parents :)

  59. What an absolutely amazing lullaby! It's beautiful! Your little family is so incredibly talented. May you go from strength to strength!

  60. Hi Adele, My wife and I are first time parents and we appreciate you sharing with us Baby to Sleep MP3 and Mila's Lullaby which is my favorite, our son still prefers Baby to Sleep. Anyway I just wanted to let you know how thankful me and my wife are because we now have a secret weapon when our 2 week old son can't sleep. More power to you and your husband. Goodluck with the book.

  61. This song is amazing! And you've got a lovely voice! I think the song can be sung in English (still sounds better in Finnish). I have attempted to adjust the grammar a bit but have tried to touch as little of your original as possible. Maybe you can create an English version too?

    Can you hear the clouds in the sky when they are falling asleep
    The sun has set long ago behind the mountain’s deep.
    The wind is sleepy too
    It’s lulling trees to sleep
    By its song

    It lulls to sleep the stars, the moon and colours of the rainbow
    It’s cradling even kids to dream by its gentle soothing sough
    Now let it carry you
    Your dreams are coming true
    Through this song

    Wait for you
    To join silly games and
    Laugh endlessly with your friends

    White little rabbit and old grizzly bear
    They’re waltzing together again

    Fly to the
    end of the World while
    The Wind is singing its lullaby

    end of the World then
    The wind will say “good night”

  62. I deleted my comment because I thought it might sound too silly but then I read your reply :) Your creations really do bring people together across borders and cultures - it's wonderful! Can't wait for your book and songs.

  63. Love this, played it for my son a few times, Thank you!

  64. It's so impressive the song, without reading the English translation I understood nothing when I listened the first time, but I had tears in my eyes when the song finished! You sing with love for Mila. My wife and my baby love your song too.

  65. hello, I am from Poland and think that your voice and language is perfect for lullaby. It sounds like from Elfin Garden :):)
    Thanks for so beautiful song. I belive that your daugther will sing with pleasure just like you :):)

  66. that little kid's gonna grow up talented :) I can't believe how good u r at singing. <3

    plz check out my blog,....

  67. My mother always encouraged me do what ever I wished to do..I really hope Mila becomes an enchanting girl and I am really happy for you and your talented husband..Music is definitely a very a good medium to communicate with a child.WAAAAAAW! this lullaby is amazing!!!! Can you please..please give this it a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License....I really wish to download this song so I can sleep better at nights :D

  68. This song is beautiful! I don't know if someone else has suggested this or not - but I think it would be great if you could sell a lullaby cd with your book when you publish it. I don't have kids yet, but if I did I would definitely play a cd of your lullabies. Simply beautiful!

  69. This is such a captivating tune. A very soothing lullaby. If I have a baby, I'll definitely find use of it. Not only will it be an introduction for baby to the language, also it'll help me learn Finnish faster too! ;-)

    Thank you for sharing this special lullaby! If you dream up more dreamy tunes like this, do compile a song book, I'd love to buy it!

  70. "Tuulen tuutulaulu" is a WONDERFUL and beautiful nighttime song (or daytime!). You and your husband are both astonishingly talented. Little Mila is lucky to have you two as parents.

    - David

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  71. Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS voice!! You have a beautiful spirit and it was felt in your music. Thank you for sharing it with others.

  72. Thank you for that song:) It was really moving! I just read some horrible news in a tabloid paper that upset me and the song made it much better! Cuds to both you and your man:) Milla is a lucky baby! We have a 8 month old daughter named Ira and I will play this song for her tonight.

  73. Your daughter is soo blessed to have you as a mother. =] A lovely, lovely song. I wish I could download it to my ipod because I wouldn't mind listening to it once in a while.

    But you're probably not releasing a download link. I understand though! It's your daughter song, not anyone elses. *still wishes she would upload a download link* haha =]

  74. It's really really lovely! Thank you for sharing it with us! I feel as if your song just made my world a prettier place.

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  77. Please find a way to sell that. It is lovely! I love music from regular people. I know that sounds strange, but what can I say? I grew tired of formulaic music years ago when I was in music school.

  78. SOoooooooooooooooooooo prety <3 if only every child had a mother and each mother had a gift of singing like that.


  79. The song is absolutely beautiful... and your voice is so lovely. Thanks so much for sharing it. I have a 15 month old and I will play this for her tonight. Even though I don't understand Finnish, the words sound very nice.

  80. adele, i'm stunned. this is beautiful! it gave me goosebumps. i put the song on repeat and just listened. i pulled up your lyrics and sang along in english. it's a very good translation and most of the time the syllables fit with yours. may i have your permission to add it to my playlist for my two little ones to listen to at night?

  81. Greetings from Indonesia.

    I feel like Christmas whenever I hear your song. Maybe it's because the tunes. Or maybe because Christmas is near.


  82. This lullaby is beautiful! Could you be any more talented?!:) First the amazing daydream creation photos and now this beautifully amazing lullaby! You so need to record an entire album!!! Your voice is amazing!

  83. The song is beautiful! I was so sad to see then end of the photos of Mila's daydreams, but you've done some amazing things since then and I plan to continue reading. :-)

  84. Adel I love the song and its quite beautiful sung in english even if I say so myself,lol. I love the imagery of someone above saying with the red haired girl by the water but instead of by the water I see it her in the woods singing and unbeknownst to her she is causing a very ball like dance to happen with the woodland creatures. I see dancing between all the animals while the child sings and dances to herself with her eyes closed and at the end I see her stopping and opening her eyes to see all of the animals in the song walzing to her lullabye like magic. I see purple mist enshrouding the dance enshrouding the animals in the finary of humans, tiara's and tailcoats, lol.

    Oh its lovely and if you do intend to sell copies of this song I soooo want one for my kids and myself.

    The imagery of this song is so enthralling that the story is enfolding in my head as I type this. If you will allow me I would like to make a story of it (not that it would do your song justice) but I will gladly give you first read and ask your permission to post it to my own blog before I post it online.

  85. I hope you got my email! I'm waiting on pins and needles for your reply! :)

  86. I love your song. LOVE. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  87. Perfect, it's a beautiful music! A música é realmente muito linda!

  88. My two-year old refuses to give me the headphones. (" Lisää musiikkia kuulokkeista! Missä täti laulaa?")He just wants to listen to this over and over again. Amazing, there's is pure magic of a fairytale in this song. My four-year-old loved this, too. And I do, of course! Are you going to publish your book in Finnish?

  89. How sweet! :)

    I certainly hope there's going to be a finnish version of my book(s). Now I know it's going to be published in all english speaking countries and few other countries too. I will blog about that when it's official. :)

  90. I listen toy your song over and over again and I can not get enough. Absolutely fantastic!

  91. Sua música realmente é encantadora, Adele. Parabéns. Como pai, é emocionante poder contemplar o sono tranquilo de meu menino ao som de canções como esta que nos remetem a um mundo de fantasia e beleza.


    Tarcisio Mendes
    São Paulo - Brasil

  92. I love the song. If I could hear it a few more times,I would be singing it around the house.

    I think it sounds lovely in Finnish even though I wouldn't know a word of it, the sentiment is completely there.

    I have tried to Ctr Click (on an iMac) but I'm not sure which link to click. I tried it and it didn't work. It just played it.

    Any ideas please? I would love to download this onto my phone and listen again and again.

  93. It's so funny that i made up rime lullabys for my baby as well, except they were not as gentle and beautifull as your's! :)
    Mostly it was a simple catchy melody with strange funny lyrics! A mother's got to do somethings to pass time by herself and calm the baby,right? ..and to improvise is the best way!
    Actually my husband had told me we should record some of them couse he composes too, but we never did! That is lame :/
    Anyway i just LOVED this post!! :)))
    Best wishes for you all!

  94. Amazingly and hauntingly beautiful! I can't wait to play this for my children (ages 7 years old,6 years old, and 11 months old). I bet they'll love this as much as I do! You and your hubby did an excellent job on this song!!

  95. Aivan mahtavan kaunis laulu! Olen jokseekin väkisinkin lievästi kateellinen miehesi ammatille ja lahjoille, itselläni aina haaveissa myös säveltäjän työ... Tällaista soittaisin myös mielelläni lapselleni ihan levyllisenkin verran! Kaunista, kylmät väreet meni..... (ja autotunea ei kyllä yhtään huomannut tosta!)

  96. that is beautiful. I would give just about anything for my Finnish grandfather to be alive to hear it.

  97. That is so beautiful. Living with your ridiculously talented composer husband is obviously rubbing off on you. It brought tears to my eyes - I would love to own a copy of that. And it's beautiful hearing Finnish again as well, there's something about that language that I really truly love.

  98. Adele, I've enjoyed all the cute photos you took of Mila and listening today to the song you and your husband composed especially for your baby fills my heart with so much love! What a gift and what an adorable cute song in a such beautiful language! It reminds me of this yugoslavian lullaby "Plovi plovi" that I learned in elementary school. My boyfriend is also a music composer and I love hearing his music at home as well. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful song :)

  99. I am really enjoying following your beautiful blog, it's so different from others I look at. I am trying to memorise your wonderful lullaby, although I don't have any babies to sing it to, mine is grown up and I've no grandchildren yet. I would LOVE to know how to get a proper link to put in my iTunes on my iMac.
    I look at your site every day. The photo of the streets reminds me of the former East Germany only a bit more colourful!

  100. I managed to do it! I was hitting the command key instead of the control.
    How wonderful it is to be able to listen to it!

    Thank you so much. I played it over the telephone to my husband who loved it (and he's a person who likes Rock) It is such a beautiful, haunting tune.

  101. Ihanan kaunis tuutulaulu! Vuoden ikäinen touhutaaperommekin jäi kuuntelemaan, kun soitin sitä koneelta.

  102. Amazing! :) Fun family you are, have fun and lots of sun in California :)

    I like how you sang a little lullaby and then your husband made this magical music, with your beautiful lyrics and voice! Lovely!

    I am first time reading your blog and don't have a child yet, but I will definitely come back. Thanks for sharing!

  103. I'm really touched with your song. It's a wonderful gift to give to your child.
    And about the music lessons, I really share your feeling about it'and I sure hope that one of my child would learn and enjoy it (and maybe, maybe be a musician)
    enjoy this time with Mila, it's really amazing to see them explore the world and start trying to manipulate it like little scientists.
    Have fun in California

  104. Olen kuunnellut itsekseni Milan tuutulaulua ja ihastunut siihen ikihyviksi.

    Pari iltaa sitten aloin hyräillä laulua illalla Pikkumiehelle (5 v.) ja kysyi mikä laulu oli kyseessä. Lauloin sitten sanojen kanssa (niin hyvin kuin muistin)ja Pikkumies rakastui lauluun. Eilen pyysi taas laulamaan...kahteen kertaan ja nukahti kainalooni kesken uusintalaulun.

    Tuhannet kiitokset siis uudesta ihanasta laulusta myös Pikkumiehen puolesta <3

  105. Please, please, please - could you make this available for download (for a fee, of course!) on iTunes or something. It is so beautiful.

  106. I would pay money for this song. I love it.

  107. Aboslutely gorgeous. I would buy a whole CD of this and I am a
    recording artist with 14 CD's. People use my music to put babies
    to sleep. Check me out at
    Just wanted to let you know that when I say I would buy it, it's
    coming from someone who is a professional.
    Well??? What are you waiting for?

  108. In a world longing for beauty, you have certainly answered the call. Well done, my dear! May your beautiful soothing healing voice go far and wide! xoxo

  109. Dear Adele, I'm quite impressed by evtg you DO ! I also have a young girl (4 months) and would like to have your lullaby in her iPod, can I? It's so beautiful.
    I wish I had your creativity, it's very inspiring.
    Biz to your little one from Mimi (my cutie)

  110. This is beautiful!!! I just want to keep listening to it. . thank you!

  111. What a beautiful lullaby. I am a burmese gal who happens to fall in love with Finn guy and is cringing about the idea of moving to Finland and settle there . No offense but I felt so lost in Finland last time I visited there. It's totally different from my homeland and I couldn't really seem to find any connection with that icy cold land. This song is the very first thing that makes me feel that someday I will find myself comfortably rooted there and might be humming this cute lullaby to my own baby gal. Anywayz..thanks !

  112. Love this song! I would listen to it for myself! Its beautiful.

  113. I wish it was on iTunes...
    Love it SOOOO much! I would LOVE to pay for this to be able to listen everywhere - ESP in traffic!

  114. So beautiful!! She is lucky to have you :)

  115. This lullaby is beautiful. I can't stop listening to it, like I'm under some sort of spell. Thank you for sharing such a special and beautiful thing. I know you created it for your daughter, but I already treasure it and can't wait to share it with my own children in the morning!

  116. I am here at the suggestion of Odie. What a beautiful voice you have transfixed an audience around the world! Maybe your husband's suggestion wasn't so far off the truth. This is a lovely lullaby!

  117. So very light and sweet. It is my first experience hearing your language, and I feel uplifted by it.

  118. Very beautiful! You have a lovely voice! I'm sure your bebe loves it too.

  119. I love this in enchanting. I envisioned a soft snow falling at night and a tiny child dancing and twirling..You have a lovely voice too...would like to hear a whole CD of lullabies, please!


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