
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hush, Little Baby...

First of all, thank you SO much for all your nice comments, support and lovely e-mails. We feel truly loved. Thank you!

I'd like to thank you by giving you something, it's maybe usefull and definitely free. While teething we have faced the sleeping problems with our sleeper champion, but we also found something to help that. 


The magical solution for those situations when your baby is over-tired but unable to fall asleep. I believe you parents know what I mean. Baby is first fussing, soon whining, then crying before screaming. Your little darling becomes very glingy. They may want to be held constantly but eventually they cry even while being held. And when you put them down, they cry louder. When you try to put her/him to sleep they might be seeking comfort from feeding or sucking, but that won't do the trick and they cry more, and you feel totally helpless. Sometimes singing lullabies help, but sometimes even that is too much. Regular music and mother's voice may have too much stimulation for over-tired baby.  They need their space in the same time when they need some kind of comforting. What to do?

You can hum. You can hiss, or you may put the radio silently between stations to get that hissing noice to comfort. Or you can download this 10 minutes hissing song my husband "composed". We play it from our iPhone or iPod and leave it near to Mila. (Make sure that volume is not too high and no-one is going to call...) Works like a charm!

Feel free to download it here.


  1. Thank you very much...once again...

  2. Or you can start vacuum cleaning the all house! :)

    We used to do more or less the same thing with our now-16-months-old girl following Tracy Hogg's advice: shhhh shhhh...

  3. That's sweet of you. I have an Android phone and found a free app called EasySleep. It has great blanket noises for 30 mins each (or how long you set them for).
    I miss Mila's pictures but look forward to the book!

  4. I have to buy the book when it is released ;) Such a nice story...

  5. Przykro mi, że w tak bezczelny sposób są wykorzystywane zdjęcia Twojego dziecka. Miałaś super pomysł na blog. Gratuluję.
    Odnośnie kłopotów ze spaniem. Spróbuj masażu przy zasypaniu. Takie proste ruchy , głaskanie, delikatne uciskanie itp. To działa. Zawodowo zajmuję się terapią dzieci.

  6. Maybe you can start an "Adele's Day Blog" and pass on your creative tips!
    I recently remembered something that works to put babys to sleep:
    In Thai Massage you start off with "elephant walking" along the body: left side of spine for 3seconds, then right side 3 seconds...and so on until you arrive down at the feet.
    The effect on the brain is that it gets a bit confused: left/right/left/right gets into a very relaxed state...
    My baby Ayla had a time where she never slept but once I started firmly touching left side, then right side, she went to sleep straight away!
    Try it, it works! and dont be too fussy about where you touch, the rhythm and the touch will make them float off into their Daydreams!
    Good Luck!
    Love, Cat and the Crazies

  7. I don't have children (yet), and I'm surprised this "noise" gets them to sleep :-)
    But well, I lived near a highway once and found the constant swoosh soothing. I'll clearly remember this when the time comes.

  8. As soon as I started listening, I took a long deep much-needed breath - it's beautiful...
    Many thanks again, Adele, for the gift of your creativity — that is something no one can ever take away from you.
    Sweet dreams, Mila and family

  9. Thank you! White noise is best when you need to calm your baby. When our little treasure had colic, she behaved exactly the same way and we calmed her using the Sleepmaker iPhone app. It really works! Good luck!

  10. I too miss the wonderful picture I usually see when you have a post but also understand and just want you to know that your art has made my day many times and i also can't wait for the book to be ready. I will make sure anyone with a baby gets to know about your download. It did sound like it would really help. Thanks and come back soon, OK?

  11. This calmed my baby right away and put her to sleep within minutes. This new mom cannot thank you enough!!!

  12. it is so nice! Thank you Adele! I will put to my baby hear!

  13. We have been going through this very situation the past week... aaaaah....

  14. Great idea - could have done with this last year for my daughter. Now she's 20 months and has just learned the word 'no', as in me:'its time for your nap', her:'no, no, no, no, no' (plus vigerous shaking of head). Might give this a try, but sadly I think the time has passed when it would help.

    Look forward to seeing the book.

  15. We have an entire CD full of white noise like that we used to play in the twins room to help them sleep. It was a GOD send... Until they turned about 19 months and started mimicking everything they heard.. and we'd hear them in their room on the monitor.. not sleeping, but going "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

    Yep. CD go byebye! :) But for those wondering if it does work for those early days? IT WORKS and its amazing :) Thanks for sharing with us, and I hope your little Mila is doing well. <3 Can't wait to see your book!!!

  16. I'll have to try it from home. The link didn't work at my office... Silly firewalls and things...

    Thank you! This is so nice!

  17. If you have an iphone, you can download Waves Free, it is baby magic and you can set it to different types of noise and looooong lengths of time (like 24 hours)!

  18. There's also a website called that has a choice of "white noise", "pink noise", or "brown noise", oscillation if you want it, and a sleep timer. You can run it off the computer, or download a loop to iTunes (or probably to some other program).

  19. YES! I have a white noise machine in my baby girl's room .. when we turn it on, she knows it is naptime/sleepytime... instant calm. Its part of her routine to hear this and it stays on all night and through naps. Been using it for 6 months now since Day One.

  20. Thank you for this. It hasn't worked but I'll keep trying... *deep.sigh*

  21. Very cool, my husband did the same thing, but since the constant noise was making *me* crazy, he modulated the volume so it's more like very very predictable ocean waves. Try that if you start to feel crazy from the sound :) We've been using ours almost since birth. She sleeps better, but she's still a poor sleeper, even at 7 months and *now* we're teething on top of it!

  22. ah man! dang those people who were stealing your pictures! I love this blog. Thank you for your creativity and for sharing your cute baby.

  23. My daughter actually loves when i turn this song on at night. she will like instantly drop and start falling asleep. I will have to try this though.

  24. Thank you! Daniel Kobialka's Lullaby cd works wonders for my family, It really relaxes children into sleep. I'll miss your photographic creativity. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Drumming? Interesting. When our daughter wouldn't sleep we were exhausted (as I'm sure you are). One night, as I was holding our daughter my wife got up and took a shower. The running water put our baby to sleep almost instantly. So, that's how we'd get her back to sleep every time she woke up.

    - David

    Aloe Vera Juice Benefits
    Holistic Nutrition and Health

  26. I use a white noise machine and store it under my nine month old's crib. He protests for a couple minutes, then drifts right off. When I listened to your .mp3 file, I smiled. I'm doing the same thing :) Love your photos!

  27. My 13 month old just came over and said "uhsaaahhh?" Which is "what's that?" in baby speak. I think she likes it.

  28. I am so sorry that you will not have any more Dreams of Mila but I understand. You are your childs only protection. You are so creative in your photos and I love the household "props" that you use. I work in a childrens theatre and love the challange of making something out of something else. Enjoy your sweet baby, they grow up fast !

  29. Thanks! After a night where my darling daughter refused to sleep, I downloaded the hissing song and within seconds she was gone. I only wish I'd been checking out blogs earlier in the night and not nine o'clock in the morning ...

  30. Thank you Adele and Lasse ♥ This really works! I just tested it with my 3 months old boy :)

  31. I used the blow dryer as a white noise maker :)
    worked like a charm. I recommend it to all new mom's because everybody's bound to have a blow dryer in the house.

  32. Shame on the people that deprived us of your pictures. You are an inspiration...
    Felicitaciones Adele!

  33. For both my son (who is now 5yrs old) and now my 9-month-old daughter, I used the Disney Lullaby Album (Vol. 1) and it has worked like MAGIC and I give it for baby shower gifts all the time. My kids have always been pretty good sleepers, though (and self-settling sleepers, at that). My son also slept very well to "Rock-A-Bye Baby: Lullaby Renditions of Pink Floyd" and "Rock-A-Bye Baby: Lullaby Renditions of Tool" when he was a toddler and up through about 4-yrs-old. Good luck with the sleeping! Once they figure out how to settle themselves in, it goes a lot better :)

  34. This sound reminds me so much of the sound the constant wind makes in a forest of tall pine trees, or the waves and wind on an Atlantic Ocean beach. Very soothing. Thank you!

  35. Thank you, this is so nice! My baby enjoyed it and is now sleeping soundly. Brilliant idea. I think I will make mine too.
    Name: 'Sleep positioner'

  36. When Mannix was a newborn we found that when the sink was running he was quiet..we did this for an hour and realized how much water we were wasting..

    We then got smart and looked up youtube for waterfall sounds. We found a video that was 9 minutes long and added it over 100 times to a playlist so it would play all worked :o)

  37. WHOA..What is the subliminal message in that MP3? I turn it on and my son settles down instantly! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!!

  38. if we look our children sleep they are like angels :-) kitchenware

  39. I'm just scanning the site too quickly. The information I've seen appears solid though

    so it would be nice to see, thanks for sharing this beautiful information.


  40. Hey Adele, kiitos for ths blanket noise! It just saves me!

  41. Very useful info. It's gonna solve nightmare of many people. I am blogger on portable dvd player reviews


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