
Monday, July 23, 2012

How to (try) stay creative with never sleeping kids...

1. Don't try to stay in your own, tiny working space.  2. Put your needy newborn in a sling. 3. Prime your huge canvas in the living room while.... 4. ...your terrible two is getting closer to edge of the paper with pencils.

5. And pray that those tiny hands stay away from the wet paint, while you cook lunch/answer to the phone/breastfeed/look the other way. 

Repeat until your painting is ready. Mine is not. Maybe in a few years...


  1. Я тоже, когда дочка была совсем маленькой, клала ее в слинг а сама писала картину. Художниками не становятся, художниками рождаются!!!!

  2. I hear ya... I'm in exactly same situation, with a 3.5y & a 1y :)

  3. I know very well this story.I do watercolor in my tiny desk for be sure that they don't touch it. My kids has 3&5 years. In french way: Courage!

  4. I have been reading all the posts. very creative and fun
    God bless you :)

  5. Slings are a blessing! Hang in there!

  6. I loved having a sling with my first. Now she's terrible two and I have twins on the way :). What am I going to do?

  7. It's wonderful to see that you're going for it. I have an 11 year old and while she knows not to get her hands on my stuff, there's still all kinds of interruptions. Good luck to you! By the way, I'm just now completing a film about this very subject - mothers and artists. You might want to check out the trailer when you get a moment.

  8. Very creative !
    I totally understand, my crafts projects get now realized at night, after the 3 years old twins tornado goes to bed !

  9. I love the way you seem to turn difficult times into creative times.

  10. I love your blog:) You're so creative. Nice to see how other moms keep the creativity momentum even with busy little ones!

  11. Great job girl. You can do it! I hope I can be as creative and productive!

  12. Huh, don't remind me!... I thought how "cool" I am with the first one, but then i realised I was only "lucky" :-)


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