
Monday, July 23, 2012

How to (try) stay creative with never sleeping kids...

1. Don't try to stay in your own, tiny working space.  2. Put your needy newborn in a sling. 3. Prime your huge canvas in the living room while.... 4. ...your terrible two is getting closer to edge of the paper with pencils.

5. And pray that those tiny hands stay away from the wet paint, while you cook lunch/answer to the phone/breastfeed/look the other way. 

Repeat until your painting is ready. Mine is not. Maybe in a few years...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Look What I Got!

The postman brought me the brand new when my baby dreams calendar!

And I heard good news,  it's finally for sale in the US!
Of course you can find it from Online stores too.
At my desk. As you can see, I'm anxiously waiting for the year 2013. 

PS since my sweet little prince is not ready to sleep anywhere else than in my arms, and he prefers eating, not sleeping, I haven't been able to create his daydreams yet. Well, I'm pretty sure he is dreaming about eating anyway... 

Meet our new baby boy: Vincent.